i <3 Victoria..... at this moment!!!
I had such a great time in good ole victoria! I totally realized that i could easily move back and fall into my old routines and be almost as happy as I am here in vancity. I would save so much money and if I had a kick-ass government job somewhere, I culd totally save money and end up in London for Glastonbury 2006! That would be so awesome! Now don't get me wrong! I am making no plans to return to teh homestead, but I just realized thsi weekend that Victoria is not as lame as I always thought it was. There are actually some new places and new club nights and new coffe shops that I have yet to explore.
I don't know what made me fall in love with victoria so much thsi time. I guess it's because I haven't been home in so long. Also I had such a great time with everyone I spent time with... I still find myself thinking about that weekend and now it's almost next weekend! I will devulge that it seems like Victoria has all of a sudden gotten a big cash crop of hawt young boys. I rememeber I used to hate coming home because every second person has slept with someone you knew or you went to highschool with them or something, but now (7 years later) those moments are few and far between.
There is this guy there that has phoned me a total of 2 times since Sunday. I think that's pretty good, considering he hates talking on the phone, to most people. I don't really think anything serious will come of it seeing as he is 23, American and lives in Victoria and doesn't like the busyness of Vancouver. But it is pretty fun to just be around someone you like and he likes you and it's so simple and there's no foreboding, or prevailing worrys about "where is this going." It's like sandbox, puppy love or something, you know. Exchanging glances, doing fun stuff, talking about everything and everything.... It could get old fast, but right now it's heaven.....