Thursday, February 23, 2006

An Ode to Uggs

You know you're ugly, right? Okay, wait. Maybe that's too harsh not ugly like there's no hope for you and no one will ever love you. Because people really love. I really, really love you. I guess I mean kind of ugly like Elijah Wood or Mark Whalberg or something. Cute but kind of off, a little awkward and oafish, I'd say. But you know what, Uggs? I don't care. I don't. I really don't. I don't care that Uggs were deemed officially over in 2004 by VH-1 and even Paul Franks Monkey has blasted you on his tee shirts. I don't care. I love my Uggs. It's getting to be a bit ridculous, though. I mean I wear you almost everyday to work. Work. Where I'm supposed to wear office clothes. But Uggs you've changed me . You've changed me and my priorities. I don't want to wear grown-up office clothes, if it means I can't be with you. I'd rather wear exercise pants and a dressy shirt, just so you can be part of the game. I've let me feet becoem spoiled by you. Even when I wear runners or boots, my feet say " Oh I'd rather be with Ugg." As a stated above: this is getting a bit ridiculous. Uggs are really not the most flattering footwear, you know. They make my legs look like the block legs I used to draw on my stick figures when I was a kid. SOmetimes I look down, and I think that I could almost get away with calling them clown shoes. And when I'm on carpet? Forget about it. I trip over my own feet so many times you'd think I was practing my tumbling routine for the 2006 Olympics. But I don't care. Why because you are comfortable and cute and trendy but not too trendy and did I mention cute? I really thought i would be over it when I bought my purple Mukluks. But you won be back, Ugg. You won me back with you fury lining and easy-to tuck trunk, I mean legs.

"I wish I could quit you, Uggs!"

Monday, February 20, 2006

In Honour of McFun.

Grey's Anatomy is definetly one of the funniest shows on right now., ( and I'd liek to point out there are NO teenagers in this program) . It has funny moments, sad moments and the best television soundtrack, since, dare I say, The O.C.

In honour of all things Grey's Anatomy and the delicious-but sometimes- a-jerk McDreamy ( see photo), I've decided to play a little game using the McName. I've come up with McName's for everyone I can think of right now so now's your chance to guess who you are.. ( IF you think you aren't here, beleive me, you are).
















Please don't get offended. It's all in honour of good ole McFun!

Current Mood: Hungry

Currently listening to: Nelly Sweat/Suit

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A daunting task

I used to belive that people that didn't meet new people were just lazy. The world is full of people we meet everyday. Even in my tiny work dungeon I manage to meet people from the mail carrier ( Lisa) to the 5 am-shift Starbucks barista ( Jeremy) to recycling guy ( okay, I don't know this guy's name but that's because our regular recycling guy recently switched routes.. We miss you Tony!)
Now I realize that those people huddled in their little cliques, trapped in circles of friends that have endured from school days are not deficient, or stuck up or stuck in the past. They are smart and they are realistic. It's not easy meeting new people. Especially new people that you have no connection to; not a friend of a friend; not a cousin or a 'we travel in the same circles' knid-of- guy: a complete stranger.
They know nothing about you and as much as I love talking about myself even I can find it exhausting to rehash my life story in assorted ways. You find yourself wondering if you should say this or that. What will he think about when this happened or I went to that thing?
Even when you tell some story, soem little anecdote from your past, you never know if they really understand what actually happened. What you wanted to sound like a funny story about elementary school reces games turns out sounding like a tragic tale of a timid but over-sexualized tyrant that molested all her schoolmates.
Everyone is guilty of TMI. Too Much Information, but sometimes it's like pulling a bandaid off an old wound. You just want to rip it off and get it over with rather than do it bit by bit and wondering what he thinks of this or that tidbit of background information.
But then when you give these little tidbits of your personality and your autobiography you end up getting your own surprises. Surprises that make you realize that you know nothing about this 'new friend.' Surprises that had you known to begin with would have kept you from wasting your time with your 'new friend.'
So what's that leave us with? well my good ole chums, that leaves us with each other. Like it or lump it. We know too much about each other to ever not be friends!

Current Mood: Anxious
Current Music: M.I.A. Arular

Monday, February 06, 2006

An Homage to tweens

So what?
I am 27 years old and I like everything to do with teenagers. Is that sooo bad? Does it physically harm anyone? Does it offend people's morals that I watch downloaded episodes of One Tree hill and hit the chatrooms to see what the 12 years old thought of last week's episode? My teenage obsession keeps me young. I tak ethe bus a lot and you never know when a rowdy gang of Hilary Duff lovers will want to tussle. As long as I can recite all the words to "So Yesterday" I'm good. I'd like to see how some of you high-and mighty teen-chastisizers would last in a dark corrdier with a gaggle of tweens. I would flourish. Thank you very much.

I don't think it makes me any less cool to like teen stuff. I think it's fun, dare I say it, edgy. It's easy to be cool and like you know like Broken Social Scene and the Arcade Fire and Imogen Heap or whatever, but it's a lot harder to be cool and like
Fall Out Boy, Ashlee Simpson and My Chemical Romance. And I do it . I do it with Flourish.

Why am I so into teen stuff? I'm not sure. Whenever I watch a teen show or listen to teen music, I feel something, almost like what I feel when I buy some new clothes, I feel giddy and content and like I am a part of something. I never really experienced much of the teen melodrama I watch or listen to, I think I spent most of my teen years ready to slit my wrists or face down in a pile of my own vomit, so there's something fun and frivoulous about watching these perfect-looking girls go through their daily dramas with their perfect clothes, perfect accessories and perfect boyfriends. It's unbelieveable and beautiful and delicious . It makes me see the teenaged years as full of wonderment and discovery and heartache; not betrayal, bitterness and a plague of worthlessness.

Also keeping abreast of all things teen is an important exercise for my future career. I will be a big time entertainment reporter /pop culture jeopardy winner and I need to keep on top of everything that's happening in my target demographic.

So cut me a little slack and let me watch my teens in peace. And admit it, you love it too!

Current Mood: Teen-tagious!
Current Music: Trippin' BY Headley