Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Best Albums of 2006

Continuing with the trend of not doing much in these post-Christmas, pre-New Year's creepy days, I have decided to create my own list of the best albums of 2006. I am nothing if not opinionated. Even more than that, my opinion is right, and if you don't agree with me then your opinion is wrong. I kid, I kid!

10. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

Most people won't give this CD a break. Sure, it had that once-catchy-but-then-super-annoying-because-it-was-played-every-30 seconds-on-some-radio-station-in-North-America, "Crazy", but the rest of the CD is also wicked. I could due without the retro 90s psychedelia motif and the weird kitschy costumes they wear when they perform but the beats and the random lyrics are golden.

9. Morrissey - Ringleader of Tormentors

Maybe it is being back in my mom's basement over the holidays that reminds me of all my just-under-the-surface teenage angsty feelings or maybe it is just a fluke of nature that this happened to be one of teh CDs that I didn't leave in storage; but I have recently rediscovered this gem and I remember why those kids in the back corner of photography class wore those long trenchcoats and wore their hair in those cringe-worthy pompadours. Morrissey. When you want to write bad break-up poetry or comtemplate why God is so cruel to you and no one else, this is your CD. "You Have Killed Me", is one of my favourite songs ever.

8. M. Ward-Post War

Okay so I haven't actually bought this CD. But I am obssessed with M. Ward. A quick Internet search will prove that any music critic worth his salt is also obsessed with him. His music is stripped-down, melodic and beautiful. Forget Sufjan; it's all about M. Ward now.

7. Regina Spector- Begin to Hope

Okay, so maybe I didn't get into Regina Specktor until after I heard she was dating my boyfriend Julian from the Strokes, but please don't hold that against me. She is sooo cool. Her lyrics are like little stories; she actually talks about more than her broken heart (shocking)! My favourite song is "Fidelity", I probably listen to it almost everyday still, like 3 months later!

6. Jay z - Kingdom Come

Most hip hop heads label this album as sub-par; but that is an unfair rating. It's like after Michealangelo did the Sistine chapel or his statue of David; I'm sure people were like " oh this painting of this fruit bowl is no Sistine Chapel" Well, you know what? There can only be one Sistine Chapel and there can only be one The Black Album. While I will admit the first single, "Show me What you Got," was less than stellar; the rest of the CD is great. I love the new single, "Lost Ones," and "Beach Chair" featuring Chris Martin of Coldplay will be a cult classic.

5. The Dears - Gang of Losers

I have loved the Dears since No Cities Left came out in 2003. "Expect the Worst/cos she's a Tourist" was like the song of that summer for me. So when I found a leaked copy of Gang of Losers this year I was so happy. This is a CD that sounds different everytime i hear it. After every listen I discover some new clever anecdote that I didn't get before. They are so great and I vow that I will see them live in 2007!

4. Justin Timberlake-Future Sex/ Love Sounds

You know I don't really want to like Justin Timberlake. I still have a grudge from that "Cry me a River" video where he called out my girl, Britney. Then there war that whole Super Bowl debacle of 2004 where he left Janet Jackson hanging, literally. But you know what? I can't help but like him. He's hot! He's funny ( did you see SNL?)! He's talented. He's well-dressed! He can dance! He can really do no wrong! Even when he does do wrong; he goes back to doing what he does best which is create the best dance songs! "Chop me Up" featuring the Three Six Mafia is my favourite song. I hope it is his next single.

3. The Decemberists-The Crane Wife

The Decemberists are the songwriters every English Major doing nothing with their degree wants to be. Listening to the Crane's Wife is how I try to retain my rapidly fading books-smarts. Their songs are epic and swirling and beautiful and grand. Now I am gushing. Am I gushing? I love this CD. I would name my first-born the Crane's Wife if it wouldn't cause an irreversible identity crisis for my child if it was a boy. If you ever feel like you are getting dumb from too much Youtube or reading too many US Weeklies at the gym; listen to the Crane's Wife; lie down and really listen. I swear when you wake up the next morning you will feel smarter and a bit melancholy.

2. Lady Sovereign-Public Warning

This CD never lived up to the immeasurable hype from Def Jam.Maybe because all these songs were already available and released in the United Kingdom over a year ago. But it is still awesome. She is like a michevious little minx and her lyrics are totally funny and tongue in cheek. Maybe she is a drunk and will be kicked off her label soon; but she puts on a fun show and her song "9-5" was like my theme-song for the last year and a half.

1. The Killers-Sams Town

Was there any doubt? The Killers are the best band ever; even with their scraggly facial hair and Brandon Flowers' grandiose comments on the music industry. Say what you want about their posturing and personal lives but Flowers can write a sing-a-long pop song like no ones' business. There's nothing I like better that singing along at the top of my lungs to "Why do I keep on Counting" and "My List."

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post-Christmas Creepiness

There's something about the time between Christmas and New Year's that has always given me the chills. There's a stillness coupled with latent worries, overstress and unrealized holiday cheer that really creeps me out. There's still cheer inside of us all but nobody knows quite when to use it; like the leftover Eggnog in the fridge; it's around and available to drink but do you really wants to be the one to test it and see if it has gone sour.

And believe me, my "Eggnogg" is about ready to turn.

I like Christmas. A lot. I always have. But the brightly coloured decorations, fresh baked goods, and the constant barrage of family and friends gathering to do no more than bestow good wishes and cheer and merriment onto one another loses its appeal sometime between the first yearly re-telling of my family's first Canadian Christmas and the unwrapping of the last present on Christmas morning.

I would prefer a condensed Christmas; maybe three days in total instead of the de rigeur of celbrating "the holidays" from Thanksgiving until the end of the year. Come to think of it, I wold prefer to move Christmas to April. The end of the year is busy enough, without having to deal with Christmas on top of everything.

But alas, this is the way it is. Damn you Roman Calendar system!!! So we must deal with these next few days with great care. Look around you. People are tense. They are frazzled. They are hurried. They are broke. They don't want to be the one to snap. But they could. That one accidental shove; that one brisk brush past could turn their holiday cheer into horror.

Horror through a glare that can break glass. Horror through a dirty muttering under their breath that could make a sailor blush. Horror that is so sickeningly fake sugary sweet that even the brutal barrage of anger would be better. These are the horrors taht lurk around every corner over these next few days. If you are honest with yourself you know that you have been both the victim and the perpetrator of these horrors in the past. But don't be too hard on yourself.

You are a victim of your surroundings and everyone's Eggnogg has to turn sometime.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Get away from me Lil Jinx!

Have you met my recent companion, Lil Jinx? She has been with me for almost a week and I believe she has overstayed her welcome. She is crimping my style not to mention endangering my life!
I want her out! Keep her away from me! I have hosted her long enough! She has caused enough disasters to last me a lifetime.
Everyday since her unexpected arrival last Thursday, has been a swift race against Death.
Thursday she tickled me under the arms on teh bus and caused me to drop a gallon of paint on my foot, my left foot. That was her idea of a welcome wagon.
On Friday she scared me by jumping out from behind a chair and caused me to somehow break a huge glass frame and then get a million tiny bits of glass in my knee, which I had to pick out with tweezers, tweezers.
On Saturday, she entered my body and caused my lungs to almost collapse due to over inhalation of paint fumes.
On Sunday she slicked the stairs at the Club Monaco on Robson and made my fall flat on my bum and cause a huge scene in the store.
On Monday she got my finger trapped in the closet door.
Yesterday, she gave me indigestion ( if you know what I mean) from smelly alcohol-filled cheese dip at SIP.
Well, enough is enough.
Lil JINX get away from me!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas, New Year's, My Birthday! Oh My!

Sometimes, I wish time would stand still; or better yet: REWIND! I am not ready for today to be December 6th!
That means only 15 more sleeps until Christmas! That means only 20 more sleeps until New Year's Eve! That means only 26 more sleeps until my birthday ( cue death march here)

****Note: please do not render this rare inclusion of numbers as an invitation to remark on my lack of mathematical skils. I'm makinga point, here!

Where did November go?
Where did time to pack and move go?
Where did time to say Bye to all my Vancouver peeps, go?

So promise to still love me even if it seems like I've dropped off the face of the Earth for a while. I promise, I love you long time!