Awesome... I FUCKING shot that!!!!!
I love the Beastie Boys!!!! I just bought their new live DVD Awesome I FUCKING shot that, and it rawks!!! It is awesome! I loved it! Even though I had alredy been to this concert when they came to Vancouver last Fall, seeing everything on DVD in Madison Square Garden was so cool. There were a lot of differences in the show from MSG compared to teh show here last year. In teh MSg show they come out in blue tuxedos and play their instruments and on teh DVD I can actually see what's happening which I could barely do from my nosebleed seat where I was kinda drunk, I think, at Pacific Coliseum.
I really love live DVDs, I realized. I mena I love live concerts more, obviously. But Live DVDS are sooooo good. Especially this one, because it does my favorite things. Take shots of fans dancing around craily to the music. It is so funny and so cool and they even show some shots of Ben Stiller getting down which makes me love him even more. Of course, there is no doubt that the best rapper and funniest guy in Beatie Boys is Ad Rock. he has the best ryhmes ( If you try to mock me/You'll get knocked/ I'll stir-fry you in my wok) He has the funniest voice; he looks the youngest; he is the best dancer; and he is just about the best ever!!! I love the Beastie Boys 4-eva! Until I'm 95, I will be body-moving and drinking the Brass Monkey ( figuratively, of course!)
Isn't Ad Rock everyone's favourite? It would probably be more EDGY if you liked MCA. Go for the underdog!
These are my struggles as an EDGY person. Everything I like/do becomes sooo popular. It's hard being soooo EDGY.
I am with you on this Preety, they are amazing! I have been listening to them since elementry school and will keep listening forevere!
I saw them at an outdoor concert in Australia and it was amazing!
When I next come to Vancouver, can we watch your new DVD, pretty please!
oh puleeze mca is sooo hot and i just love his old sounding voice, and all his grey hairs. yum yum!!!!
but hey at least we dont have to fight over anyone, id hate to have to kick your butt
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