Merci Montreal; Vous m'avez tres tres EDGY...
Oh Montreal. You have won me over. Seriously you cocky Quebecois with your self-assured, shoe-gazing style and effeminate posturing. That's edgy. I love it. I love it even though everytime I tell you that I am from Vanocuver you spend the next 20 minutes trying to tell me why Montreal is sooo much better than Vancouver. (Yes, It's true Adri, I told them I was FROM Vancouver, my sister even said i could!)
The trip was awesome! Awesome despite a few roadblocks including being charged $230 to spend like 40 minutes in a hostel that was basically this weird hippie chicks' house; in a room with a mattress on the floor; no sheets and a comforter that smelled like puke! SO being the divas that we are we high-tailed it outta there and cabbed it to the Holiday Inn. YOu know how we do:)
The next day we went to H&M and it was everything I'd ever imagined. And there were having a sale and there was their fall and summer stuff there. It was sooo awesome. i was in heaven. I think we spent at least 3 hours there. That night we went to this circus called Ola Kala and this one guy bailed like 6 times right in front of us. There was an opera singer and a wind tunnel and everyone was sitting on these recliners. It was very European......
The next day we went to teh big gay festival and met some gay olympians and had random dudes teaching how to dance like'sexy' gay guys and try to hit on us and chilled out to House music and watched a crazy drag show with an Edwards Scissorhands-esque Marilyn Manson drag queen doing Sweet Dream and a big black and fabulous drag queen stripping down everything and writhing on teh floor after her top accidently started falling off!
We did a lot of touristy things like we went to the Biodome and saw the cutest penguins and we went to the Museum of Contemporary Art and saw these cool exhibits about the evolution of teh music video and some Brian Jungen sneaker Native Masks.. SO cool. We took a morning boat ride along the St. Lawrence River and wandered through Old Montreal, Little Italy, The Village, the Latin Quarter; St. Laurent Boulevard... Did I mention my feet hurt?
All in all it was soo fun. I didn't get into TOOO much trouble; my sister and I didn't get on each nerves too much we didn't put ourselves into too much debt. And this trip really re-opened my love for vacations. Everyone should take vacations. All the time! screw working! A building in Old Montreal. I could whip out my guidebook and telll you which one it is but I won't just look at it and saw it's old andf pretty....
these penguins look so fake, right? well theya re not! Stuffed penguins and reall penguins look surprising similar! but stilll soooo cute:)
The Biodome as seen from a yacht on teh St. Lawrence River. Okay , okay probably not a yacht. maybe it was more of a boat. But definetly closer to a yacht than a dingy!
Did I mention that everyone loves teh Gays in Montreal? They do. They even but huge medals on their banks for teh Gays. I even let some people think I was a lesbian to just fit in with teh gays!! How's that for a ROLE REVERSAL???
Me and my sister are such bad-ass hommies. Especially my sister. She's right out of East L.A. Look at her pipes!!!
Oh Mon dieu! Ou es la magasin H&M si vous plait? Merci, Merci . Mais, Nous n'avons pas d'argent maintenant!!!!
good. glad to hear you've rediscovered the joys of a good, long vacation. Next stop for you is Japan. If you think Montreal made to edgy wait till you hit Tokyo. You'll be so EDGY that you might fall off.... the edge. bad joke. i know, i know.
I am so glad you are back Preety!
And it was FANTASTIC seeing you this weekend.
Looks like you had so much fun!
You are so jet set.
i don't think i've ever seen you smile with your mouth closed.... how quebecois of you!
Oh, oh H&M. That's my store. It's my favourite store it's named after me.
When is it coming to Vancouver Preet, I need H&M here to make my dark days blue again. Blue and orange and velvet and silk and linen and white and black... Oh H&M I miss you so.
Yeah, I missed you too Preety-kins
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