What kind of person will you be vs. what kind of person are you?
I've always thought of myself as a doer. You know one of those people that rises against THE MAN and stand up for what she believes in. I march in the marches; I sign the petitions; I sing the protest anthems loud and proud. But does that make who you are? Not really. Who you are is not what group you join; what rally you happen to stumble into; what petition you agree to sign. Who you are is really based on how you react in daily situations.
This last week, I have noticed random acts of kindness and chilvary and also have been guilty of standing by and watching as someone in need floundered in dispair.
Last Saturday, I was standing at a bus stop when an old man with an elderly person stroller totally fell face first on the pavement. This was a busy bus stop where many buses come to load and unload their passengers; so everyone saw. I was watching him get up slowly, thinking shoudl I go over there... When this guy, probably about 20 years old ran up; lost his place in the bus queue; and helped him. It was one of the quickest responsest I have ever seen to a stranger in distress situation. And the kid was very thorough. He walked the old man over to a bench; picked up all his things and even gave him some water from his water bottle. I don't know why but that image has stayed in my head for the last week.
Then the other day; I was walking home from the grocery store and a woman was riding her bike and her tire got caught on the edge of the sidewalk. She fell over her bike but was not hurt. But she made a loud noice and me and everyone else walking kind of just stopped and looked at her. But no one did anything. I didn't even ask if she was okay. Now in teh interest of fairness; I was carrying like 5 grocery bags very awkwardly as usual; and I had my head phones on and my purse was falling off my shoulder and she was a little on the sketchy side. And also, there was this other bike rider that was a guy and older than me; so if anyone should have checked on her it shoudl have been him. But still it has lingered with me.
Then there is the thing with my boss. Now it's not like he is harbouring fugitives or you know killing endangered species or anything. But he is rude and condescending and treats his employees like lab monkeys. For a whiel it seemed like I had escape his scrutiny with my one year of senority and all; but alas that too has passed. I am yet another communist trying to mooch off his hard earned profits; a little leech trying to suck out all his blood. He acts like I am always trying to get out of doing work; skimping on the job or slacking off in some as yet undiscovered way. Now i can hear you guys in my head snickering! Fine. I knwo I am not working at 100% capacity at all times; but I am the best worker he has ever had and he is so unappreciative.
But what can I say? What can I do? Should I confront him and let him know that almost every employee he's ever had has hated him? Or will I just stand by and watch as more and more employees figuratively fall over their bikes and not even ask if they are okay?
Sometimes I think it's my shyness that's stopping me from saving the World.
personally I think it's your curly hair. Nobody can trust a curly-hiared girl with dimples. It spells TROUBLE.
Shows how little you know! Curly-haired WOMEN with dimples are the international symbol for peace. SO THERE!
You're on the right track, Preet. You know I can have a field day with a post like this, but I'll save it! You have to trust in yourself that you ARE the great person you think you are. Trust yourself and let go, and you'll do the right thing. It doesn't matter what you should be doing or what the consequence is. You must do the right thing and you always know what it is, you know it! Call on Guru Nanak, he will help to guide you. You have to take risks. Go to the floor you can't fall beneath and you will rise to the top. I believe in you!!!
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