My Girls Want to Party all the Time.
Okay I may not be good at a lot of things: I can't whistle worth a damn; i can't ask the waitress/waiter to take back my food when she/he has mistaken my order; I can't wear heels for an extended period of time; I can't let someone finish a sentence if I know what they are talking about, etc. etc. But I can do one thing very well. Very, very well. I can party like a mofo. It's true. It's true. Not all teh time, mind you. Not when I am around people I don't know well. Not when I am on my period. Not when I am preoccupied with something or other. But when I'm on. It's on. You dig?
Here's some fun photos from Ella's birthday party last weekend and some random photos of us getting ready for teh Mariah Carey concert the weekend before.
The Mariah concert was so fun! Her voice was fabulous and despite our nosebleed seats, it was so fun. I was sucha dancing machine. In the words of Lionel Ritchie " I was Dancing on the ceiling" Not because I was so limber or anything but because our seats were so close to the actual ceilling. But whatevs. It was fun. I even got a Bootleg Mariah concert tee. That's right. That's right. Bootleg. I know. You don't have to say it: edgy. The assignment was to WORK the mirror a la Tyra Banks. As you can tell, some of us have practised this before, some of us haven't and some of us are drunk.
wow everyone looks great in the pics except for one, thanks for the usually bad pic of myself, maybe you could not put any pics of me at all. that would be nice. but good pics anyway
Whatever!!You look so cute in that photo. YOu look so young like 15 or something! TOO CUTE!
You guys both look cute in the pictures :)
i really dont need to be reminded of being nice to paul when i was drunk, its a horrible pic and if your were my friend you would replace it with something fun. i would love ya long time
How can I leave it up, when you pull the "if you were my friend" card?
thats my girlie girl xoxox
hey i have never used that before so this is it. i was saving it for something good.
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