Sunday, October 22, 2006

Winds of Change

I've felt it inside of me, rumbling for the last three months or so. I felt it before, too. It's just become a part of life. That rush, that urge, the impulse to fuck everything and everyone. But then it passes. Then my Capricorn-ness comes back. I have become far too practical. But I still make bad decisions. Come on, that's part of what makes me preety. But in my old age, these changes are few and far between. I don't like hassle. I don't like conflict. Well, at least not anymore. But, i also don't like the thought of waking up one morning and going: "Oh shit, I am 30 years old and I haven't done shit." So hassle, heartache, regret and (even more) self-doubt: Here I come!


Anonymous said...

Preet - those "horny attacks" are worse when you are between 29 and 31. I used to have to lock myself in my apartment in order not to destroy whole cities. - Kate's Aunt

Anonymous said...

Worried about not hitting your stride by 30? I went to sleep one night during puberty and woke up in menopause! ("Mental Pause" - according to Archie Bunker). Actually, many women will tell you that life starts at 40. On my 40th birthday somebody hit a cosmic remote control and everything I owned dropped two inches. Holy Shit - I'll be 45 soon! Everything will probably fall off when I hit 50!!! - Kate's Aunt.

Preety said...

Lock yourself in your apartment, eh? Sounds like you were a dangerous woman, back in the day! I want to be like that, too! But I think I overthink things too much to do too much damage. Damn my Capricorn sensibilities!!