I should be FROM ROLLING STONE!!!!!
Okay, while I am blabbing on about MTV reality; I can not help but announce my thorough disgust for I’m from Rolling Stone. In this reality show, a group of eager music-lovers work as interns at Rolling Stone magazine. Now, I understand this is Rolling Stone, a magazine that sold it’s soul for a covershot of Jessica Simpson in her underwear claiming she was America’s hottest housewife. Whatevs. It is a stale music tabloid with one foot in the grave; but it still reigns as the most popular music mag in the world. It still the magazine where Kurt Cobain first proclaimed his love for Sonic Youth which led Kim Gordon and the boys into a higher tax bracket in a matter of minutes. It may not be the coolest magazine on the block anymore; but it’s still pretty fricking cool. Which is why it leaves me with such a sour taste in my mouth to see all these low-rent writer-wannabes foul and fumble their way through the greatest opportunity of any writer’s life. None of them have been to journalism school. Three of them have lost their notebooks in the two episodes I’ve watched. Even the editors are like "They seem to be having problems adding quotes into their articles" WHAT? How is that even possible?
I’ll tell you how: Because they are all pretty-boy losers that are exploiting the one ounce of integrity that was left in music journalism. First of all, doesn’t it seem a bit retarded to have a reality TV show about a magazine. People watch on TV a show about putting together something we are supposed to READ? Okay, so that’s dumb. Then, the fact that they can’t write. That’s dumb. Then the fact that they go to all these free concerts and meet all these awesome artists and all they can do is fight with each other. Okay that is beyond dumb.
I mean if one of these schmucks actually ends up working at Rolling Stone how is the fact that he or she mooned the camera or didn’t know who George Clinton was going to effect their repertoire with artists and the readers? It’s not good.
Watching this show, makes me realize that so many people have such great jobs and they have no talent to back it up. Not Fair. I should be working at Rolling Stone; or NME, or Jane Magazine or Seventeen or Tiger Beat.
As soon as I saw that show, I knew you would hate it. I'm surprised you are not ranting about that bossy hip hop lesbian!
how can you go from rolling stone to tiger beat in one sentence? those two mags shouldnt be named together for any reason. much love from van.
You have to stop always being so bitter becasue u are not given that opportunity. Be happy that u have a job that u like and u are healthy and have good freinds and family. Think about the positive in your life instead of thinking what u think u deserve becasue u are cooler and smarter. Modesty is a good thing:)I am sure that you would be amazing working at Rolling Stone! Do it then. Love u.
I do hate that bossy lesbian! YOu know me so well!
Anonymous 2... you know you've really made me see the error of my ways. I will never say another bitter or sacastic thing ever again. Thank-you.
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