Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Have you ever?

Have you ever counted the paint bubbles in the area right above your computer monitor?
Have you ever seen how long you can hold your breathe by calculating your average in the last 25 trys?
Have you ever actually grow tired of looking at celebrity blogs and reading about the priveldged lives of NYC scenesters?
Have you ever organized your pens by clour and ink level?
Have you ever drank four litres of water just so you have an excuse to get up and go to the bathroom like 15 times a day?
Have you ever drawn a multi-sided object and then count up all the sides and try to come with a new name for the newly-discovered shape? My latest- the 137-sided "heptamaximillianagon."
Have you ever cleaned your keyboard with toothpicks?
Have you ever traced outline of all your appendages (both hands and feet and unfortunately, three unsuccessfull attempts at my head.)

This is typical day of boredom at my chimpanzee, number-crunching, mind-numbing j-o-b.

Somebody get me outta here!!!

Currently Listening to : Lady sovereign ( my new favorite)
Current Mood: Anxious!


Anonymous said...

well at least youve never had to tell at least 20 chinese women that they can not have a discount on items for like 10 dollars. well everyone has something mind numbing at their jobs, keep your head up and when your done counting paint bubbles, come play with our doggie. guaranteed to make even the hardest people melt like paint bubbles hee haw!!!!!

Anonymous said...

have you counted your arm hairs on one forearm and compared that number to the hairs on your other forearm? And I'm a guy so it takes a lot longer. I Win. hands down. I am the undisputed heavyweight champ of boredom.