Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Rolling with my Hommies (homos)

So a few weekends ago my friend david had an art show. It was an art auction really. A silent auction, very sophisticated. tres edgy, if you will.

As you can see, it was a very, very classy affair. We keeps it reals, yo.

Behind us is the photo I won, Number 7 with the three eyeballs. It is soooooo edgy.
Is it just me, or should I have taken that damn scarf off at some point in the night? Also does my hair look more liek a wig made out of carpet or like I am the true mother of Suri Cruise?

This is me and my friend Holly, who recently got back from Argentina. She brought me back this edgy tee-shirt with the words "Preety heart" on it. That's right. That's right. In Argentina, they know where it's at. Preety heart is like this hard-core edgy label out there. I think it all must stem from grade 8 when I was tutoring this ESL kid named Miguel and then he went back to Brazil after one semester. I think he loved me. I think then he moved to Argentina. I think then he started this clothing line to pay homage to his unrequited love for me. I think I am full of shit.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Things that go Bump in the Night

I'm not usually a scaredy cat. Usually I like having the place to myself. But sometimes. Sometimes, like right now when I should be sleeping in until a glorious 11 am or noon, sometimes, tiny noises wake me up with a start and automatically make my heart start racing and tears spring to my eyes.

Lately, I have been super paranoid that someone is going to steal my TV. Maybe it's because the TV is the only thing that is really mine in the living room. This week alone, I have run out to the living room three times in the middle of the night with cell phone in hand ready to dial 911 to keep cracked-out theives from stealing my prized possesion. There really is no logic to my logic in teh middle of the night.

At least today I managed to get like 4 hours sleep. At least I have refrained from phoning any of my friends crying hysterically about how the winds and the sounds of the rain and the noisy way the people upstairs walk can be misconstrued as a burgular.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Dead Bodies Everywhere!

A wise woman once said to me when I told her I was going to happily trot off to the Body World 3 exhibit at Science World, “I don’t want to hear anything about it. I don’t want to discuss it. I don’t agree with it at all,” To you, oh wise woman, I say step away from your screen. You do not want to follow me down this road. Believe you me.

On some level, maybe I wish I had blanketed the whole hoopla over the Plastination fascination as weirdo and never given another thought. Things would have been easier. My dreams would have been unmarred by the images of 14 dead babies in various stages of development. My mind wouldn’t be askew with malicious conspiracy theories involving government cover-ups, Nazi Germany and alcoholic physicians getting kickbacks in return for cadaver paperwork “misplacement.” Don’t even get me started on the mini-dramas that enraptured my mind when I began pondering the symantics involved when these plastinized statues, once free-thinking, vital and functioning human beings told their loved ones that they wanted their bodies to be used not for finding a cure for ALS or Lupus or even donating their skin to burn victims but to be sliced and diced as an op-ed art piece for the layperson to see what their insides look like and more importantly for 8-year old girls to giggle and point and learn the spelling of the word PENIS. Who said honour was dead?

I guess it’s interesting. It’s not something I have ever really thought about, though. I know I have muscles, and ligaments and organs and whathaveyou underneath all these bells and whistles we call our human form. But what it really looks like and what it would like if my muscles were sliced open and spread out and then covered in plastic, is not something that really occupies my mind. I’ve got other things to think about. I figure the people that need to know how all those things work; well they probably went to school for that. They probably understand the human form better than I ever will from examining an eyeball and freaking out because the eyelashes fluttered due to the air conditioning system.

You know, I wouldn’t let my car mechanic make me a gourmet meal with his tool kit; so why do we let anatomist Gunther von Hagens use his doctoring abilities to cut people up and call it art?

Don’t even get me started on this guy, Gunther. A quick wikipedia search confirmed what I had already suspected. He’s a freak. He performed an autopsy on live television? For kicks? And I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s like part of some anti-abortion coalition. He scares me.

So I won’t say much more. I’m sure he has spies everywhere. But let this post serve as a record, neither I nor anyone in my family or posse will let Gunther plastinate our bodies into cages that will trap our souls forever is a weird limbo where annoying kids point at our genitalia and giggle.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Nightmare is over

I knew she would come to her senses sooner or later!

Click here for the greatest celebrity news since the birth of Suri Cruise!!!

Get ready for the biggest comeback eva!!!

I knew she would come back to her senses sooner or later!!!

Don't Hate!!!!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hey You! Stop picking on me!

Ever feel like the world is against you? Sure you have. We all have. But for me it's true! I Swear. Prospective bosses have told me I am unprofessional; unsuitable; unable; underqualified; unimaginative; undereducated, un-human basically. I hate it! Stop being so MEAN! I am a nice girl. Can't NICE thing happen to me? If I don't have the job, fine. So be it. But at least, at least leave me with my dignity. Don't "harsh on my mellow when i'm already on my way down, dude" as Dexter Reed said so eloquently in the classic flick, Good Burger.
I already have bruises from my fall from grace, please don't kick me anymore!
And while I'm at it, hello random walkers with umbrellas; Don't go under the awning and make me walk in the rain when I don't even have a hood on. That's MEAN!
And don't bump my bag so hard that it falls off my shoulder and I stumble. I have a big bag, yes. I know. But you have two eyes with which you, as an able-bodied human being, should be able to gage how much space is needed to walk by me and my bag without touching me. Don't Touch me! And if you do, Say Sorry!
And if I know you, Be Nice to Me. I am sick. And sensitive. Think about me. Love me. I love you. I promise. As long as you Stop being so Mean!