Friday, October 28, 2005

Sooo EDGY.....

I am so edgy sometimes... First I saw an EDGY movie last night. Everything is Illuminated, directed by the great Liev Schrieber ( yes the creepy guy from Twin Peaks, soo edgy) and starry a creepy-looking Elijah Wood. It was really funny, but also sad because Elijah was looking for information on his grand-father who was a persecuted Jew during WW2. Funny and sad is sooo edgy.....

Then I added this goggle map to my blog: You can post where you are and then adda photo and it will be so fun.... It's actually a very EDGY technology that only EDGY bloggers are using....

And also, I'm going to be Diana Ross for Halloween. Now of course, I'll be Diana Ross in probably Ugg boots andjogging pants under my fabulous gown but's all good...

Then while I was doing my morning Web-suring rounds, which includes being like a cyber peeping tom to all these tragically edgy types in NYC, (Gurj is my favorite b/c she's brown and British, I think, just like I coulda, would, shoulda been if my Dad hadn't gotten deported from jolly ole England all those years ago., I also like reading this supermodel one) because it's about being hip, and beautiful and drunk in jolly ole England.

I found this gem.... Now I don't really need anything to make me love the Backstreet boys , but if I ever was not sold on their awesome-ness, their EDGY-ness and their star-power, then I am now..... P.S. See? there's no shame in lip-syncing if you do it with cheesy facial expressions.

CURRENT MOOD: curious...
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: CFOX's 90s at Lunch...billy corgan seemed so deep and wise when I was 14.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Green puss, blood and cheddar cheese and T.V., just another weekend for me

At first glance, you might think what do I have in common with Paula Abdul? I mean besides the obvious taste in clothes, what would I have in coomon with a three-times married has-been that is constantly on the worst-dressed list? (DON'T SAY IT). I'll tell you what we have in common. PAIN. That's right we share a secret pain from a botched manicure (her's from a professional manicurist, mine from myself when I was doped up on cold medicine). We shared the horror of having a finger swell up so big that you couldn't even wear a ring and then the fingertip turned green. Then last night, it felt so sore that I went the clinic ( THAT'S RIGHT), and I thought I had broken my finger but the doctor said it was an infection and then he cut it open and drained all this green puss from it. GREEN PUSS. It hurts. A lot. Then he gave me some antibiotics that I have to take four times a day.

It's so weird. But now I feel closer to Paula than I have in a long time. Probably since Forever Your Girl.

Then this afternoon I was making a sandwich and was slicing some cheddard with a very, very sharp knife and totally sliced my finger and started bleeding everywhere. And we had no bandaids... So my roommmate called our neighbour Noel and luckily he was home and he had a bandaid. But now that finger is totally sore too....

And both owies are on the same hand. And It's making it really hard to type. So i'm out...

Current Mood: Sore ( Is that a Mood?)

Currently listening to: Final Straw - Snow Patrol.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Interviews.... The Other Side

I hate interviews. The awkwardness and the fakeness and the anxiety are all oftentoo much to take. But today I experienced a whole new way to hate interviews. From the Other Side. I interviewed someone today with my boss and it made me realize that interviews are awkward and angst-ridden for both parties.
As soon as the Interviewee stepped into the office, we could smell her desperation. She is about 37-ish and hasn't had much computer experience but is trying her best to learn every newprogram thrown her way. It was sad to see someone try so hard to impress you for 30 minutes when we both knew in the first 5 minutes that she would not be the right fit for our office.
Most of the interviews went like that today.... Some people were basically straight off the boat and were very timid and soft-spoken. One guy, Wing Chung was super-polite and seemed very keen but he had a thick accent and a weird lisping problem so he wouldn't have worked. But I felt so bad for him. He was telling me how if he didn't find a job soon, he would probably have to go back to Hong Kong.
Overall, it was an exhausting and depressing day....

Current Mood: Spacey
Currently Listening To: Let it Die - Fiest

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sicky, sick, sick.

I am sick.
I even called in sick for work today.
I am not on my deathbed or anything, but what with going to Victoria this weekend and needing to prepare and not even fuly recuperated from Thanksgiving,
I needed the day off. It's a good thing I did too.
Work is retarded. My 20-year-old co-worker is quitting and that means I have to do her job and it's annoying and means more work for the same pay. BOO!
I got my VISA bill today, and it is not as low as I had expected. BOO! I was supposed to get my nails done and dye my hair for this weekend, but I have no money. BOO!
I have barely talked to any of my friends in so long. BOO!
I hate being sick.


Monday, October 03, 2005


It's been quite a while since I've thought about my own poularity. It was something that consumed me throughout high school though. I was never really popular per se, except may be in Elementary School and really who isn't popular when recess snacks and mix tapes determine your social status.
But recently, I've begun thinking about popularity again. What makes someone popular? How do you determine your popularity? I've always thought of myself as cool, and most people will agree, aside from a bevy of neurotic tendencies and a handful of dorky-yet -charming teen obsessions, I am cool.
But a recent off-hand remark by a friend of mine, reminded me that not everyone shares my self image. He was talking about the popular people from a class we had taken, and it just hit me like a tonne of bricks... I wasn't popular? I mean I know I can be shy, a tad snobby at times and definitely self-conscious, but UN-POPULAR?
It felt like a slap in the face. I mean, I don't think I should be wearing the homecoming queen crown but does that mean I am regulated to be one of those bitter ones with a long trench coat hanging out at my locker all day long?
In reality, I guess I am neither of these archetypes. A floater. One of those, "She was cool. Whatever happened to her?" girls. Maybe it all goes back to one of the only two pieces of advice my mother has given my about social interactions, ( the main one is don't go out; just stay home with your family). She always said that you never want o give all your secrets, all your personality, all your inner workings away to just anyone. Leave a little mystery. Always leave them wanting more.

Oh.. To be pretty, rich and popular.... It could all be so easy. Right? RIGHT?

CURRENT MOOD: Misunderstood.
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Folklore - Nelly Furtado