Sunday, January 29, 2006

Coldplay is my 14-year old boyfriend

Giggling. Screaming at high-pitched velocity. Watching my friend Sarah, actually swoon. I mean I'd heard the word before, probably even used it once or twice to try and sound smart, but I had never seen a swoon until Chris Martin appeared at the Colplay concert on Friday. F.Y.I. If you think you wouldn't know a swoon if you saw it, believe me you will. The Coldplay concert was a lot better than I expected. I thought there would be tears and a gagle of girls bitching about why there wasn't more guys like Chris Martin on the market. But no. There was dancing, laughing, singing at the top of my lungs, and screaming, lots and lots of screaming. I think I have once again defended my title as the greatest screamer known to man.

The concert in itself was so fun. Chris Martin was wearing these super-white shell-toed adidas shoes (just like someone we all know as love) and all black. And he was dancing around so cute and skipping and some guy said after the concert that Martin was rocking the Roger Rabbit, which is just so unbelieveably cool. And his hair is so curly and he doesn't try to straighten it or gel it down or anything. Which I Love.

But the best part was when they did the encore and sarah was like let's go down. I was like what? But then I was like okay. And we went down and the security guard was totally eyeing us so I pretended we were friends with these 15 year old girls and just walked right into their seats. But then Chris Martin came rushing all the way down the stage and across the whole floor to sing part of "In my Place." So I totally pushed Sarah down the steps and towards the railing and she grabbed his arm and I, I think, touched his shirt. It was so fun to be so close to him while he was singing. And sarah, oh, my god, I thought she was going to pass out.

After that I think we yammered on and giggled about it for at least the next hour or so. It was so fun. A perfect end to a perfect concert.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Brown power

Anoop d-o-double-g is my new idol.

See his prolific ryhming skills

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Have you ever?

Have you ever counted the paint bubbles in the area right above your computer monitor?
Have you ever seen how long you can hold your breathe by calculating your average in the last 25 trys?
Have you ever actually grow tired of looking at celebrity blogs and reading about the priveldged lives of NYC scenesters?
Have you ever organized your pens by clour and ink level?
Have you ever drank four litres of water just so you have an excuse to get up and go to the bathroom like 15 times a day?
Have you ever drawn a multi-sided object and then count up all the sides and try to come with a new name for the newly-discovered shape? My latest- the 137-sided "heptamaximillianagon."
Have you ever cleaned your keyboard with toothpicks?
Have you ever traced outline of all your appendages (both hands and feet and unfortunately, three unsuccessfull attempts at my head.)

This is typical day of boredom at my chimpanzee, number-crunching, mind-numbing j-o-b.

Somebody get me outta here!!!

Currently Listening to : Lady sovereign ( my new favorite)
Current Mood: Anxious!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Chronic-WHAT-cles of Narnia....

I'm sure almost everyone has seen this already but for for those unfortunate two ( that means you turning japanese-a). Here it is, cupcakes and glocs and all

SNL Narnia Rap

Monday, January 09, 2006


Bet ya didn't know......

  • That my grade 4 boyfriend Jordan Knight is coming to Richards on Richards this Month.
  • That Jordan's dad is Canadian, which makes Jordan 1/2 Canadian.
  • That Jordan's favorite candy is green gummy worms.
  • That Jordan's favorite colour is army green.
  • That Jordan has a five-octave vocal range ( like Mariah Carey and Christina Augerila)
  • That Jordan prefers boxers to briefs
  • That Jordan always travels with his pillow to remind him of home.
  • That Jordan used to sing in the church choir.

How's that for a good memory? I spent all day at work today listening to NKOTB songs, but not like the mainstream ones, not the singles, but the rarities and b-sides like Didn't I (Blow YA Mind); Cover Girl; Happy Birthday; Valentine Girl; I Need You. I 3> NKOTB. They are the Temptations of my generation. They say such sweet things... They dance so cutely. Okay I have to go. I need to practise my high-pitched scream.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Pink Elephants.....

I remember in grade four when Mr. Tomlinson first explained to to a class full of mean-spirited snotty-nosed brats the meaning of pink elephants. One snotty nose brat way conveniently missing from this surprise lecture. Her parents had suddenly separated after her mother had mysteriously turned extra-friendly with her female best friend.

Out little community of fruit roll-ups and rice krispie squares was a buzz with the news. Unheard of words like lesbian and homo were passed down from older brothers and sisters with sicking splendour.

But even those of us who were friends with said girl were afraid. What would she act like now? How should we act? What would happen if we went to her house? The potential for embarrassment and awkwardness was palatable.

Mr. Tomlinson said that pink elephants were our saviors from awkward silences and and missplaced sentiment. Pink elephants, he explained were the gauge to help us show our sympathy without overdoing it, acting awkward or acting like nothing happened.

Here's how pink elephants work. Whenever you feel awkward or aprehensive about talking to someone about something, go up to them and say whatever type of plative you want ( i'm sorry about your mom; too bad she's a lesbian and now you're dad's living in a bachelor suite on View Street, etc) and then when you start seeing a pink elephant (usually by this time you've moved on to "I saw a lesbian on T.V. once and she died; two lesbians can't make a baby; If you're mom's a lesbian, does that mean you are too?") you know it's time to stop and start tal;king about "NORMAL" stuff. ( let's go listen to NKOTB; If you want to play airbands, I'll let you be Madonna).

Pink elephants. The perfect balance between seeming like you don't care and rambling on like an idiot.