Wednesday, March 22, 2006

how much blah bloh could a blogger blah bloh if a blogger could blog blah?

What is the point of this blog? REALLY?
I'm not really interested in joining these circles of yummy mummies bloggers that do these weird rituals every weekday. Like Wednesday is take a photo of one of your body parts day. (Don't get excited, it's never anything perverse. It's moms for God's sake!)
I don't really write about any of my personal feelings or deep dark secrets in here ( that's because they are all about YOU. Dear reader, everything that is deep, and dark and depressing about me is all YOUR fault)
I'm not writing about one specific subject although I see a recurring theme that makes me think maybe it'sa good idea that my TV is almost broken.
So what's it all about?
A way to practice my pathetic typing. Nooo... Seeing as how it hasn't gotten much better and I never use spellcheck and I've just basically conceded to the fact that "the" will always be spelled teh. I'm starting a revolution, I swear.
Is it a way for my to post raunchy photos of me and fabulous friends living our fabulous lives a la Ellen teh Supermodel or Brian 'the guy who always has his nuts out'? Ummm. NO.
I'm not really sure what this little ole blog is about. But I finally figured out how to check my stats and I was surprised to find out that there are more than four peoplewho read this little ole thing. That be like Woh.
So it's started me thinking about what I REALLY have to offer. How can I be of service? In teh words of Robbie Williams, "Let me Entertain You."

More on that later. I gotta go spend some quality time with the TV.

Currently Listening To: We are Scientists In Love and Squalor
Current Mood: Scratchy


Zain said...

the link isn't working because if you check the url, yours is in front of the "" part

Preety said...

Oh I see... Thanks for the tip:)