Thursday, September 28, 2006


Guess what is the number one, that's right, I said NUMBER ONE, Google ( not MSN, tee hee) result when you search for tres edgy.....

Go ahead, guess:

Your favourite!

I just want to thank my mom and dad, my sister, my fourth grade teacher Mr. Tomlinson.......

woot! Woot! Google says I am tres EDGY!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Did you really just mention your period ( shudder)? I am dissapointed in you, young lady. Next thing you know you will start writing about your diet and what clothes you have bought. Oh wait a minute.....What is this a chick-lit blog or something? You know if you start re-capping what you watch on TV it's over. I'll dump your blog from my Favourites and never look back. Write about something universal like the AIDS pandemic; the Anna Nicole Smith train wreck; the misery that is the NHL pre-season; weight-lifting; flower-arranging, ANYTHING! But no period talk. ever. If I see the word cramps in here I'm done.

Preety said...

First off, I didn't write anything about periods in this post. Second it's not like I was like " ohh I have such bad PMS, my ankles are bloated and I have a lengthy visit from Aunt Flo." That I could understand making some people squemish. But at the end of the day, this is a personal blog. And I know you would never erase me from your favourites. PLEASE.

Kate said...

You write about what ever you like Preety. I will always be a loyal fan.