Monday, January 15, 2007

a month.

I can’t believe it has only been a month. A month. It feels like years. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. One month ago at this time, I was working my last day at Space4lease. Okay, maybe I wouldn’t exactly call it working. To be exact, I think I was trying not to grimace while my former-boss was trying to feed me these random porkballs at this weirdo Dim Sum restaurant in the Burrard Skytrain centre.

A month ago, I was counting bruises on my legs and cuts on my arms from a random string of accidents; that I still am not sure wasn’t covertly masterminded by the Victoria Tourism Board, or even more likely, the small but loyal contingent of my high school posse that still lurks around the still waters of Victoria.

Today, I am counting letters and punctuation marks and the multiple disciplines within the broad subject of Engineering. (BTW, there are way too many disciplines within Engineering; somebody needs to reign those boys in, it’s ridiculous!)

A month ago, I spent my nights traipsing through the cold winter air waiting for buses and skytrains rushing from workouts to dinners with friends to a shambled apartment to watch teen t.v. Today, I spend my nights, driving through sludge in my heated car, strolling leisurely from workouts, to dinners with friends, to midnight drives to discuss last week’s episode of Degrassi the Next Generation and drunken debacles from weekends past. Then I come home and watch t.v. in the nice, clean, warm abode of my mama.

Okay, maybe it isn’t the greatest staying at my parents’ place for the last month. There have definitely been some bumps along the way. But they are leaving for India this weekend and I know I will miss them. Their leaving also means another thing (no not party at my place….try as I might to fight it, I am not 15 anymore). My place needs to be fixed. Asap. Gordon Head is not where it’s at. It is too far! I want to move into my own place and get my stuff out of storage. I miss my bags. I miss my blankets. I miss my purple stretchy belt. I miss my CDs. Sniff, sniff, sniff.

But renoing is not as easy to do as it is to spell. I suffered my first and hopefully only callous this weekend from trying to pry hinges with like 30 layer of paint on them of the kitchen cabinetry. Anyone who ever said I was weak had better step off now. I am strong. Yesterday I even carried a sink. Yeah, a sink; in fact, it was a double sink. Ohhhhh yeah!!! (Picture me talking like Macho Man Randy Savage and raising my arms, excuse me, my guns, like the champ, here).

So yeah that’s my life. Exciting and new. I still miss Vancouver. Sometimes, I will catch myself calling Vancouver home to someone by mistake, out of habit, I guess. But things are getting exciting here. Everything’s working out great so far. At times, I feel overwhelmed. There are so many new people to meet, new things to do and I still want to come and share everything with all my peeps in Vancity and all my old peeps in Victoria. And I will. I promise. I love you long-time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whatcha going to do when Vancity peeps run wild on YOU? Brotha!
(insert image of me flexing my 26-inch pythons like Hulk Hogan here)