Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The AfterMATH

Okay. It's day One after being fired from my job. So enough with the endless crying and pity party. It's time to be constructive. Get the resume going. Get volunteering. Apply for every job out there... It all begins today. Starting with something I wanted to do since the day my car was stolen almost 3 months ago now (sniff, sniff) ... Start my BLOG. Yah me! It will be so fun, I think. And I hope you all enjoy reading it...


Anonymous said...

Awww love. Sooo sorry to hear about your job, but really it was stupid anyway. I mean they sooo should have replaced the purple neon when they were the ones that caused it to be stolen in the first place. Bastards!!!

You'll do fine i am so sure of it ... and just think now you've got an extended holiday ... hellooo summer!

Much love.

Anonymous said...


Oh no, I am so not up to date on your life! Car stolen???? Job Lost???? You poor thing!

Sending you luck and love from Australia,


Anonymous said...

seems like a lot of bad shit is happening.... May be Vancouver isn't the best place for you after all... hey I here the Osoyoos Times is hiring.....there's lots of fun to be had this summer in Osoyoos... The okanagan is always fun in the summer! eh?


Anonymous said...

Hi Preet

I am so sorry to hear about your job! Why didn't you call me??
They don't know what they have lost. You are the best and I hope that you don't let it get you down to much. Tell Raj to give you a big hug from me.


Anonymous said...

thats really shitty that you lost your job i had no idea.... i wonder why do we live in the same building?..........kidding good luck preety

Anonymous said...

oh my god. i can't believe all the stuff you've gone thru. So sorry to hear about the job and the car. On the bright side, at least you weren't hurt. You'll bounce back and find something wayyyy better.

miss ya,
your weird neighbor from the ol' days

Anonymous said...

Hey yo! I'm sorry about your job man. That really blows. You'll find another in no time I'm sure. Those guys don't know what they've lost. You're awesome kid! You'll turn things around in no time, I know you will. I'll try calling you again tonight and hopefully we'll connect. Talk soon...
~ Your grade 7 partner in crime...