Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A daunting task

I used to belive that people that didn't meet new people were just lazy. The world is full of people we meet everyday. Even in my tiny work dungeon I manage to meet people from the mail carrier ( Lisa) to the 5 am-shift Starbucks barista ( Jeremy) to recycling guy ( okay, I don't know this guy's name but that's because our regular recycling guy recently switched routes.. We miss you Tony!)
Now I realize that those people huddled in their little cliques, trapped in circles of friends that have endured from school days are not deficient, or stuck up or stuck in the past. They are smart and they are realistic. It's not easy meeting new people. Especially new people that you have no connection to; not a friend of a friend; not a cousin or a 'we travel in the same circles' knid-of- guy: a complete stranger.
They know nothing about you and as much as I love talking about myself even I can find it exhausting to rehash my life story in assorted ways. You find yourself wondering if you should say this or that. What will he think about when this happened or I went to that thing?
Even when you tell some story, soem little anecdote from your past, you never know if they really understand what actually happened. What you wanted to sound like a funny story about elementary school reces games turns out sounding like a tragic tale of a timid but over-sexualized tyrant that molested all her schoolmates.
Everyone is guilty of TMI. Too Much Information, but sometimes it's like pulling a bandaid off an old wound. You just want to rip it off and get it over with rather than do it bit by bit and wondering what he thinks of this or that tidbit of background information.
But then when you give these little tidbits of your personality and your autobiography you end up getting your own surprises. Surprises that make you realize that you know nothing about this 'new friend.' Surprises that had you known to begin with would have kept you from wasting your time with your 'new friend.'
So what's that leave us with? well my good ole chums, that leaves us with each other. Like it or lump it. We know too much about each other to ever not be friends!

Current Mood: Anxious
Current Music: M.I.A. Arular

1 comment:

Holly said...

I have a sticker somewhere that says, "I never let go of good friends, they know too much." Yeah I have that feeling too sometimes.

But sometimes it's nice when someone knows nothing about you and you can start over fresh again.