Friday, March 31, 2006

Couldn't Resist...........

These things are so funny. And at first I just started reading them, because that's funny enough but then I couldn't resist doing me own. So in the vein of Ashlee Simpson's "I wonder what Josh is thinking about right now" radio game, here is my first meme, and mark my words the mp3 player is the new Magic 8-Ball, ya heard?

Simple directions: use the shuffle function on your music player and see what you come up with in answer to the following questions.

How does the world see you? Boys ( Co-ed remix) - Britney Spears

Will I have a happy life? Don't bother - Shakira

***I prefer to interpret this prediction to apply to teh song itself, in which Shakira is telling her ex-boyfriend not to bother worrying about her, because she'll be fine ( she'll be fine, she'll BE FINE!.. Not to mean don't bother even trying to have a happy life. thank-you.

What do my friends think of me? Come On - Ben Jelen

Wow. You like me. You really, really like me.

Do people secretly lust after me? I'm a Slave 4 U - Britney Spears

How can I make myself happy? Ain't no Easy Way - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Ain't that the truth.

What should I do with my life? Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner - Fall Out Boy

Will I ever have children? It's my Life - Bon Jovi

****Okay it's MY life. That could mean NO right? But then again, the whoel song is about how you should do what you want in life because it's YOUR LIFE. But then teh chorus goes, " It's my life It's NOW OR NEVER, I'm not going to LIVE FOREVER," so may be I shoudl have a baby asap. Or maybe.... Why do I suddenly feel like I'm on the 1-900 line trying to decipher the words of Miss Cleo?

What is some good advice for me? I didn't Steall Your Boyfriend - Ashlee Simpson

How will I be remembered? Cha- Ching - Lady Sovereign

What is my signature dancing song? Goodbye My Lover- James Blunt

What do you think my current theme song is? Don't Need a Man - Pussycat Dolls

Wow. this thing is so psyhic.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Tango - Lady Sovereign

What song will play at my funeral? Love Burns - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

What type of men do I like? I get High - Talib Kweli

****Although I wish it wasn't true the magic 8-ball mp3 player and my track record can't both be wrong.

What is my day going to me like? Random - Lady Sovereign

So consider yourself tagged. Play it yourself . But be prepared for it's erriely accurate results.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your signature dancing song is goodbye my lover? I'd like to see how that goes over at the clubs.