Thursday, June 23, 2005

Good Friends are the Chocolate Chip Cookies of Life.....

When you're down and you need a quick fix, good friends are there and they don't need you to rehash all the grizzly details of your latest meltdown; they don't need to turn everything around and blabber on about themselves... They are just there. Offering an encouraging word, a non-judgemental ear, an uninterrupting listening post, a long-distance phone call from the otherside of the world or even a plate of freshly baked cookies. Good friends make you relaize that your lack of a job, lack of money, lack of suitable mates, do not a good life make... For whatever reason it be, despite it all, many people are happy with nothing becuas ethey just decide to be happy. So today, I salute you my buddies, for hanging in for the many lows amid the memorable highs.. I don't know what I would do without you:)


Anonymous said...

ahh...your kind words bring a figurative tear to my eye.. and my phone bill will bring a real tear!


Anonymous said...

well now i do have to comment cause i did slave away on those cookies. cheer up buttercup we will always be ther for ya no matter what... i would also shed a tear but there is chocolate in my tear ducts so long buddy!!!!