Friday, July 01, 2005

Oi Veh! Canada is 137 years young!

Happy Canada Day!
I >3 Canada. I love it long time!
I love that we let people smoke pot on the streets, I love that we passed gay marriages, I love that we say aboot and garage and eh, I love that we have the CBC and the Globe and Mail and Purdy's Chocolates and the Tragically Hip and Hot Hot Heat and the Arcade Fire and the Rascalz and every other unassuming fantastic singer/band/rapper/writer/show that is Canadian and most importantly, I love that we are not sending our limited troops to a war no one really wants to be a part of or even understands! yah us!

Even though I dream about growing up in England if my dad hadn't got deported all those years ago and being so eclectic and having such a hawt English accent, (Yes, I still think about it. What can I say I have a lot of time on my hands), I am glad my parents decided to settle in Canada and near the ocean.

Canada Day makes me miss Victoria though. It's the one day of the year where all those beer-drinking jocks with Canada flags tied to their hockey sticks and wearing no shirts and with maple leafs painted on their faces look, somehow more appetizing..... Or it makes me think of camping on saltspring and getting too drunk too camp so we high-tail it for a b& B where we can exerpeince the joys of a mother hang over in peace.

Ah memories......
But I should be off. I need to listen to some Hip, or Bif, or Wide Mouth Mason or whoever is playing for free downtown. Maybe I'll even eat some beef today ( and not just a cheeseburger from McDonalds) and may be even drink some beer. Actually no. Beer is going to far. May be an ale-coloured martini.


Anonymous said...

Oh Purdy's Chocolates... I miss chocolate.. I have not gotten into the Japanese junk food and I pray I never will. Give me a bag of Doritos and a Caramilk bar anyday..

Happy Canada Day, baby from the giant in the land of the short

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm with you with everything else, but seriously the Hip? They suck!

Have a fabulous day.
