Monday, August 22, 2005

Talking on the Phone.....

Somewhere between being a chatty cathy and an insufferable insomniac, I've started neglecting my favorite pasttime. No, not teen soap operas ( i would never neglect those). Talking on the phone. So often now it just easier to send a quick email or call at a time when you know you'll just end up leaving a voicemail, than actually talking to my dear friends and rehashing everything that has happened since X Date. I feel guilty about it. Usually I love to talk on the phone. I still do I think. But finding the time between staring mindlessly at the keyboard for 8 hours, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, going to the gym and attempting to have some sort of a life; there's little time left for idle chatter.
I miss those self-indulgent days, where I would fall asleep talking on the phone and wake up with the pattern of the cordless phone tattooed on the side of my face listening to Don's weird half-snore/half mumbling sleeping noises.
I miss those shrill days of sitting inside the hall closet and laughing so hard I felt like I was going to pee my pants talking to my grade 7 buddy sarah for like 8 hours at a time.
I miss analyzing every moment and every look that any guy gave me and my friends at a party the night before with amaya.
I don't know why I haven't been on the phone much lately. I suppose I could still do all these things if I wanted to. But I guess I feel like if I tryed to talk on the phone for like 8 hours again and it wasn't like it used to be, it would ruin that memory for me.
I guess now I use my blog to overanalyze everything and msn to flirt with boys..... But right, here and now, I make an oath to return to my rightful place on the telephone throne. I hope to speak to you all soon my loyal subjects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would talk on the phone all night with you but that would be all day there and i heard you decided to get a job or some corporate shit like that
